The Brisbane Back Pain Program
Helping to Build Strength, Remove Pain and Avoid Surgery.

Based in Bowen Hills, Brisbane’s Specialist 12 Week Program Helping Men and Women:
- Who want rehab plan tailored specifically to them and their injury; including healing disc bulges, herniations and sciatica.
- Clearly understand and address the underlying root causes of their injury and pain.
- Make day-to-day life pain free again.
- Build a core of solid armour to protect the back, so that they can return safely to the activities, exercise and sport they love.
- Who have a weekly budget of $300 for specialist help and a personally tailored program.
There are no gym memberships to pay for, simply pay for the specialist coaching and support you receive.
All coaching sessions are conducted one-to-one, in a private training facility with a coach with over 17 years of experience.
McGill Certified Practitioner in Brisbane
Brian has been successfully applying the work and research of Professor Stuart McGill to those with chronic lower back injuries since 2013.
Sick of Generic, Short Term Solutions?
This program is perfect for those who have been let down by generic, short-term approaches in the past and want a clear plan of action tailored specifically to them and their injury.
Video: What is the Brisbane Back Pain Program?
11/7 O’Connell Terrace, Bowen Hills, Brisbane, 4006
Not in Brisbane?
Unable attend in-person sessions? Online coaching is also available.
Apply Now For an Initial Consultation and Chat
This program is ideal for those who want a individualised, genuine and long-term solution to their back pain.
If that sounds like you, carefully fill out the application form below to apply for an initial consultation and assessment.
Client Testimonials
Ross Pethick
“How do you write a quick testimonial, about someone that has completely changed your life?
I ruptured my disc at L5/S1 and herniated the discs at level L2/L3 and L3/ L4, in a training accident in April 2005.
Following the accident I had multiple minor surgical procedures, I then had a total artificial disc replacement in March 2010, I was significantly worse after this procedure and I would learn some 23 month later that this surgery was a failure.
I was left with major nerve damage and chronic sacroiliac pain. Once the degree of damage was identified, I underwent further corrective surgical intervention including lumbar spinal fusion and Sacroiliac joint fusion in 2014.
From Feb 2014 I accepted my reduced capacity and conducted my life accordingly, I would continue to suffer aggravations at the slightest increase in activity, most that would leave me immobilised and bed ridden for periods of up to 4 to 6 weeks depending on the severity.
Over the years I have tried a number of different things including massage, yoga, aqua therapy, Pilates, kinesiology, Bowen therapy and the list goes on.
I was still very sore and hobbled into Brian’s studio for my first session, my initial session was mainly the start of my assessment, however Brian gave me some very basic exercises and strategies to commence straight away. I was shown for the first time how to properly get up and down from the prone position and I walked out of his studio after an hour feeling slightly better.
During the first months of the program I had slight ups and downs as I mastered each move and found my boundaries and limitations. It has been in these last 12 weeks that I have gained the confidence to truly know I am regaining control.
I am sure if you are suffering from a spinal injury and engage Brian’s services you will not do the same program as I did, because “It Depends”. What you will receive is a customised program that suits your injury and abilities, and you will not regret it.
Back pain is not forever, but exercise is.
Thanks Legend.”
Kendal Rapson
“Having had back problems since age 15, I didn’t think I’d ever live back pain free.
I went to chiropractors, physio’s, specialists and tried dry needling and acupuncture and nothing worked long term. At the point of being told I needed cortisone shots, I tried Brian as my last resort and it was the best thing I ever did.
After seeing Brian, I’ve been able to manage my back pain consistently and have never again reached the level of pain and discomfort I was in previously, because I now know how to control my aggravators and re adjust ways of doing things to suit my body.
I’m forever thankful for Brian’s support and guidance to get me to where I am today and I would recommend to anyone!”
Chris Smith
“After 4 years of lower back pain and seeing countless “specialist” doctors, physios, osteos, remedial therapists, chiros, I had almost resigned myself to accept the fact that this pain would be with me for the rest of my life.
Simple tasks like getting home from work on the bus became a real issue. I’d have to break the 25-minute journey into two so I could get off walk around for 5 minutes and get on the next bus.
After much deliberation as to what to do next, and realising I just wasn’t going to accept my issues, I discovered Brian. By this point, I think I was also a little sceptical about “back specialists”, but after my first few weeks with Brian I was convinced I was on the right track.
Brian focused initially on eliminating my pain. We started small, concentrating on form, and identifying my triggers. In a short space of time I moved up to strengthening my core, hips and back.
The progression kept me motivated and I knew it was down to me to do the work, but Brian kept me honest with my approach and provided me with the confidence to keep going. It is incredibly rewarding to leave a session and feel so much more invigorated, pain-free and alive.
Brian was able to provide me with a program that was specifically tailored to my issues, a program I could easily follow.
This has made the world of difference in my life.”
Andy Kelly
“About 8 years ago while working in the tree industry, I had a run in with a 350kg log that came swinging from a tree we were removing. It narrowly missed my spine, (fracturing 5 Transverse process attached to the lower spine, Brian you can explain what they are to people if you like!!)
After the bruising went down a couple of months later I realised that I was in for one hell of a journey to try and get back into any sort of shape to lead a normal life.
I had always been active, Climbing trees, playing sport, swimming, you name it, I’ve tried it.
I got to a stage after a couple of years that I could somewhat function, but only for a short time, after any sort of strenuous exercise/activity I knew that the pain would be coming back, with a vengeance, so I gradually start making excuses for not training or not trying really, born out of frustration from thinking the pain was just going to return, so why bother.
I have seen all the usual suspects over the last few years, Osteo, Chiro, Physio, basically anything with an O , I’ve tried, and they would patch the pain for a week or two, before the next spasm, and few days/ weeks not being able to walk, afraid to bend down, sneeze, sleep to long in one position, the list goes on.
The pain was getting so bad recently that I basically missed my younger sister’s wedding, I could not stand up or even sit down without excruciating pain.
I have a 3 year old boy who I couldn’t pick up, and he would say to me ”is your back sore daddy, I will rub it for you” This had to stop!!!!!
So after seeing an ad for Brian Ellicott promising to fix my back pain, I thought why not, you’ve tried everything else!
Since starting with Brian 3 months ago, I am glad to say that I have had no spasms, no pain, he has identified my weaknesses and addressed them straight away. He is constantly educating me on the right and wrong way to exercise. I am now back training regularly without the fear of harm.
And the best part of all, is I can now pick my boy up and play like normal parents do.
I would highly recommend Brian to anyone who has back or any other injuries for that matter, where they are struggling to see the light at the end of the tunnel.”
Giorgios Samartzis
“After visiting a chiropractor to “fix” my posture I ended up with a herniated disc which was causing sciatica down one leg and resulted in pain and numbness. I was almost completely crippled for some time.
Here I was, a 40 year old who used to be a competitive athlete suddenly could not sit, stand, walk or do the normal things people do on a daily basis. It was the first time in my life where I felt hopeless and the thought of not being able to do any form or exercise for the rest of my life was very depressing.
At the same time I had lost 10kgs of muscle within a space of 6 weeks from not being able to train, while gluteal muscle atrophy also started developing.
Visits to the physio became more and more frustrating as it seemed like nothing besides a surgery could cure me.
The specialist gave me 3 months to let my back heal on its own before surgery could be considered, but even 5 months later there was hardly any improvement.
After researching on the different surgery methods and their success rate I was more and more convinced that I didn’t want anyone touching my back. I knew that I would never be the same after having surgery.
So I started looking at alternative treatments and came across Brian Ellicott.
Just when I thought it was all over Brian showed me that it was not the case. His knowledge and approach helped me turn everything around and made me feel hopeful again.
He was very careful and methodical on how he approached my issue specifically which made me feel confident and safe at all times. He was with me in every step of the process, making sure that I was making progress and that his instructions were followed accurately.
Brian’s tailored program is carefully designed with a range of exercises which assist in taking the pressure of the spine while strengthening the muscles around it in order to protect it.
Within 2 months from when I started seeing Brian the pain was significantly reduced and mobility was increased. Just over 3 months later I was able to get back to the gym and getting my fitness back to where it was.
I highly recommend Brian to anyone who wants to see real results and is not looking for band aid solutions.”
Michael Tweedie
“Thank you Brian for giving me hope when I was at wits end.
I was a little sceptical at first after visiting numerous physios and doctors after so many years of acute lower back pain and general discomfort.
After about 4 weeks of tailored rehabilitation exercises I was starting to gain pain free movement and my confidence started to grow exponentially. I was really impressed with the results after a short period of time. I’ve continued working with Brian since and am and am back in the water surfing and playing sport. An absolute result.
His approach made me aware of my old flaws and bad habits but provided the understanding of my pain providing me the fundamentals for a healthy back however utilising the right tools and specific pain free tailored exercises to over engineer a stronger back.
There is no universal cause or cure for back pain therefore a cure that leads to success for me might be different for you, however, Brian’s focus and knowledge will help you find your own pain triggers and match them to the treatment that’s right for you.
I am now 100% confident that if I have a relapse or lower back flare up, I have the right tools and exercises to alleviate the pain in a matter of days.
Anybody with prolonged lower back pain issues should have some scans and take them along to Brian. He’s not a miracle worker but does have a unique approach to restore a pain free back. You’ll have to put in some hard work but you’ll be pleasantly surprised and reaping the rewards.
He’s a great guy to work with and patient but will push you when needed to get the best out of you. I would wholeheartedly recommend Brian to anybody with back pain issues.”
“I just wanted to say thanks to you Brian, I will miss your evil sessions down in Melbourne.
When I called him up 4 months ago I was struggling to put make up on without leaning on the wall for support. My back was that bad.
I used to play volleyball and did some strength training and in the process, I have managed to hurt myself. I always thought the issue was the back and xrays and MRIs confirmed it, but with Brian we have managed to identify the real cause behind it: my non existent core strength and funny hips that get locked up easy, throwing my whole back/glute situation out of place.
We have worked together on identifying a few basic movements that are really beneficial for me and that I always need to do before getting into my strength training exercise.
Brian has also taken a lot of pleasure in showing me the multiple ways my body and me have found to cheat over the years, while training. Slowly working to re-learn certain movements to make them more effective. It is a slow but sure process!
Today, after 4 months of work together I can put make up standing on one foot (on a good day) and I have gone back to do some basic strength exercises like split squats and barbel squats. Working on the evil abs wheel too!
I personally recommend having a word with Brian if you feel like your back is not what it used to be, no matter how bad it is, you have to start somewhere and I am sure he will find some targeted exercise routine that will help you improving your day to day and possibly feeling like you used to 10 years ago!”
Still Not Convinced?
Check out the full testimonials page