Brisbane Back Pain Program

Helping Build Strong, Robust and Pain Free Lower Backs.

Based in Bowen Hills, This is Brisbane’s Specialist 12 Week Program Helping Men and Women:

  • Stop their back pain dictating life with a clear plan to address the root causes; including any disc bulges, herniations and sciatica they may have.
  • Make day-to-day movements pain free again.
  • Build a core of solid armour to protect the back, so that they can return safely to the regular exercise and sport they love.
  • Who have a weekly budget of $200 for expert coaching and support.

There are no gym memberships to pay for, simply pay for the specialist coaching and support you receive.

All coaching sessions are conducted one-to-one in a private training facility.

Video: What is this program?


11/7 O’Connell Terrace, Bowen Hills, 4006

Not in Brisbane?

Unable attend in-person sessions? Online coaching is also available.

Initial Consultation

This program is ideal for those ready to take action on a genuine, long-term solution to their back pain.

If that sounds like you, fill out the application form below to apply for an initial consultation and assessment.


Video: How Disc Bulges Are Formed and Healed

Client Testimonials


“I just wanted to say thanks to you Brian, I will miss your evil sessions down in Melbourne.

When I called him up 4 months ago I was struggling to put make up on without leaning on the wall for support. My back was that bad.

I used to play volleyball and did some strength training and in the process, I have managed to hurt myself. I always thought the issue was the back and xrays and MRIs confirmed it, but with Brian we have managed to identify the real cause behind it: my non existent core strength and funny hips that get locked up easy, throwing my whole back/glute situation out of place.

We have worked together on identifying a few basic movements that are really beneficial for me and that I always need to do before getting into my strength training exercise.

Brian has also taken a lot of pleasure in showing me the multiple ways my body and me have found to cheat over the years, while training. Slowly working to re-learn certain movements to make them more effective. It is a slow but sure process!

Today, after 4 months of work together I can put make up standing on one foot (on a good day 🙂) and I have gone back to do some basic strength exercises like split squats and barbel squats. Working on the evil abs wheel too!

I personally recommend having a word with Brian if you feel like your back is not what it used to be, no matter how bad it is, you have to start somewhere and I am sure he will find some targeted exercise routine that will help you improving your day to day and possibly feeling like you used to 10 years ago!”

Angela McCormack

“I have had years of back pain. Paying Physios, Chiro’s and all manner of holistic therapies.  Going to Gyms, Pilates and ‘Keep Fit’ classes.  Some helped initially and lasted a few days to a few weeks, others made no difference at all and occasionally some made the pain and mobility worse! 

My work suffered as did my socialising and life in general.  Going for lunch/dinner or even just a coffee sent me into a panic, worrying about how long I’d be sitting and would I be able to?

As a Nurse you would think I’d know better than to lift awkwardly, twist or bend to my detriment but I did!  When you’re working in a busy environment, getting the job done was more important. 

I had inadvertently developed coping mechanisms and bad postures to keep going.  Or so I thought!

It all came to a head a few months back (no pun intended!)  when I turned over in bed and experienced the most excruciating pain down my back, groin and hip.  I literally couldn’t stand up or put any weight on my leg and nothing relieved the pain.

Being an orthopaedic/spinal Operating Theatre Sister in a past life (I know how ironic) I was terrified of my future.

I scoured the internet for Back rehab specialists in Brisbane and Brian kept appearing in my searches. I read Brian’s story and how he became involved in helping others build a strong and pain free back.  I knew I had finally found my hope in a brighter future.

When I arrived at Brian’s Gym and Rehab centre I just knew I was in the right place and in good hands from his initial assessment. His exercises and plans are individually prescribed.  Brian always ensures you are pain free from each one before moving through the repetitions. 

Even when you leave his centre you can call, text or email him to discuss the exercise plan or just to answer any questions you may have.

Sorry this testimonial is so long but I can’t emphasise how debilitating my life had become before I met and worked with Brian.

He has given me a renewed strength both physically and mentally and my new favourite daily mantra is ‘Spinal Health’

Courtney Loiaconi

“When I started seeing Brian, I had already endured about 4 months of severe back pain. I couldn’t sit down, pick up anything from the floor, put on pants, and any other day-to-day activity that involved bending at the hips, without being in pain. On my worst days, even walking was painful. 

I had been to 3 other health professionals in those 4 months, and each had targeted different areas and “diagnosed” me with different problems. I was really strict with the rehab exercises they prescribed, and had appointments every week. I got absolutely sick of seeing no improvement and decided it was time I stopped wasting my money. 

I was so nervous to find someone else to help me, and possibly have another failure, but one of my old CrossFit coaches with an extremely similar injury and pain-triggers had been seeing Brian and was experiencing far less pain, so I jumped in and gave it a go.

It was a slow process, taking almost 5 months, and you need to be really self-motivated and diligent, but trust me, IT WORKS. Brian spends time testing your triggers, and getting to know your goals. For me, I wanted pain-free day-to-day life, including picking up my dogs from the ground and returning to regular exercise at CrossFit. Giving up regular CrossFit classes and doing about an hour of exercises that Brian had prescribed each day was really mentally tough, but I knew I had to be diligent, or I would be wasting my money. 

Brian’s building block style approach is exactly what is missing from the approach that most other health professionals take. He has taught me so much about looking after my back in everyday movements, as well as in the gym. I now know my triggers, and I know exactly what I need to do if I have any flare ups. 

If you’re sick of short term pain relief, and you’re ready to kick it once and for all, I can’t recommend Brian any more! I am now back to doing all of the movements in CrossFit pain free and my only regret is not contacting him sooner! “

Still Not Convinced?

Check out the full testimonials page
