Brian Ellicott

Client Result: Well Done Jon!

“I developed back problems in my late 20’s when I started running…so I was told to stop running. Over the following 30 years my back pain would improve then worsen but never went away – I had pain every day. I had a disc bulge in the L4-L5 and L5-S1 areas and would ‘put my back out’ every few years or so, sometimes just by tying up my shoelaces….”

Client Result: Well Done Jon! Read More »

Well Done John!

“When I came to Brian I had pretty much given up on treatments, assumed I needed surgery and was plain out terrified about my future. My sciatica was unbearable and getting worse, couldn’t walk or sit for long at all no matter what. Had run out of private health cover for physios (and a long

Well Done John! Read More »